It's perfectly safe to receive dental bonding treatment during pregnancy.
The first step in dental bonding entails evaluating the teeth to determine whether dental bonding is viable for your case. It also gives you the opportunity to discuss your cosmetic goals and air out any concerns you may have. If you get the green light, the dentist will match your teeth with a color shade to find a shade that matches your teeth’s natural color.
Dental bonding preparation is minimal and only entails administering local anesthesia for patients with cavities and severely damaged teeth. Conditioning means slightly etching and roughening the teeth’s surface to increase the surface area for bonding. Our Mauldin dentist will apply etching acid on the teeth’s surface to achieve this purpose.
The bonding material consists of composite resin, a putty-like material that you can mold to your desired material. The dentist will apply this putty-like material in layers and smoothen it out to match the shape of the natural teeth. The dentist then uses a special blue light to cure the resin material one layer after another.
The dentist will use a drill and a rubber cap to trim and polish your teeth to match their natural contours. Polishing also gives the teeth a natural sheen to make them appear more natural. The dentist will then make a few final adjustments to ensure proper bite alignment and comfort while eating.
Dental bonding is incredibly beneficial for addressing plenty of dental issues. For Starters, dental bonding improves oral health by preventing bacterial infections and preventing the spread of cavities. The dentist will clean and disinfect the holes caused by dental decay before covering them up with bonding material to stop the cavities.
Dental bonding also covers tooth imperfections like stains, cracks, small chips, and holes in your teeth to enhance your smile and make you more attractive. Dentists also use the treatment to lengthen teeth that appear shorter than the rest. This enhanced smile is great for your self-esteem, allowing you to conquer the world with unbridled confidence.
Not to mention that dental bonding is one of the most affordable cosmetic treatment options compared to others, like veneers, crowns, and dental implants. This treatment also exceeds the cosmetic and improves the size, shape, and function of teeth. This makes them especially useful for people with worn-down teeth from clenching and bruxism.
Maintaining good oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing and dental check-ups, is crucial for the longevity of dental bonding.
Yes, dental bonding can fix small gaps in the teeth by applying bonding material on either side of the gap. However, dentists recommend dental bridges for large gaps between teeth.
Dental bonding lasts three to ten years before you need to replace the bonding. The bonding material is impervious to dental decay, but the adhesive material slowly wears out over time. Proper oral hygiene and lifestyle habits prolong the longevity of your dental bonding.