Relieve dental anxiety for a stress-free dental treatment, no matter how big or small. Did you know that dental sedation also suppresses the gag reflex and reduces pain sensitivity?
If dental visits stress you out or if it’s difficult for you to keep your mouth open or sit for long periods, we can offer you nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, IV sedation, or general anesthesia for a smoother appointment.
Losing a tooth can have serious long-term consequences, from bone loss and shifting teeth to sagging facial features and an increased likelihood of more tooth loss. If you’ve lost a tooth, we can replace it with a dental implant - the only tooth restoration that fully restores the function of your tooth with superior stability that doesn’t shift around, all while preserving your jaw bone.
Orthodontic treatment no longer has to be uncomfortable, noticeable, or inconvenient. Invisalign’s superior aesthetics, gentle pressure, and removability enable our patients to straighten their teeth without uncomfortable metal wires and brackets that cause pain and leave white spots on the teeth.
Clean your teeth with ease by simply removing the aligners and enjoy the freedom to eat whatever you want throughout your treatment.
Over 90% of American adults have had a cavity at some point in their lives.