When you’re taking care of your oral hygiene, don’t discount the importance of flossing! While brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day is an important step to remove bacteria and food debris from your mouth, some areas are almost impossible to reach with just a toothbrush (even an electric brush).
This is where dental floss comes in. Today, any supermarket is filled with lots of oral hygiene products that promise not just to be effective, but also convenient. Unfortunately, not all of them live up to their promises.
So if you’ve been thinking about upgrading to floss picks instead of regular floss, here’s why you should probably reconsider.
First, let’s quickly go over what each of these dental health tools is:
So why are floss picks not as good as traditional dental floss, considering there isn’t much difference between them?
Well, when you use traditional floss and wrap each end around your fingers, you are able to clean out the areas in between your teeth from more angles than just a floss pick. Because the floss from the pick is held straight, it will not allow you to effectively follow the shape of your tooth and clean it.
Of course, if the question is floss picks or no flossing at all - be sure to choose the floss picks! But for the most part, dentists actually prefer it if you use the tried and tested dental floss.
To really clean your teeth the right way at home, check out the following flossing tips that can help:
Brushing and flossing at home is only part of the solution - for a truly healthy smile, be sure to see the dentist regularly!
Dr. Meagan Crosland is here to provide you with great preventative care designed for your convenience.
Book an appointment at Indigo Dental online, or call our practice at (864) 565-8684 for more information.